Hypnotherapy Near Me: Unlock your Potential

Are you seeking a powerful, natural way to enhance your mental and emotional well-being?  Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH) may be the answer you are looking for.  With clinics in Bolton and Ramsbottom, as well as online sessions accessible from anywhere in the world, hypnotherapy services are designed to help you unlock your potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a modern approach that combines the best of clinical hypnosis and Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT).  Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, which may delve deeply into past issues, SFH focuses on your present and future, helping you to envisage and achieve your desired outcomes.

The benefits of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy:

  1. Stress and anxiety reduction: SFH is highly effective in reducing stress and anxiety. by guiding you into a relaxed state, hypnotherapy allows your mind to break free from habitual stress responses, replacing them with healthier, more positive thought patterns.  This can lead to a significant reduction in daily stress and anxiety levels.
  2. Improve sleep: Struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality?  SFH can help.  By addressing the underlying psychological factors that disrupt sleep, hypnotherapy can promote deeper, more restorative sleep, leaving you feeling refreshed and energised each morning.
  3. Enhanced confidence and self-esteem: Whether it’s for public speaking, career advancement, or personal relationships, SFH can improve your self-confidence.  Through positive visualisation and reinforcement techniques, hypnotherapy helps you build a stronger, more positive self-image.
  4. Weight management and healthy habits: SFH supports weight loss and the adoption of healthier habits by addressing the subconscious mind.  By changing the way you think about food, exercise, and your body, hypnotherapy can help you make lasting lifestyle changes without the struggle often associated with dieting.
  5. Overcoming fears and phobias; Phobias and irrational fears can significantly impact your quality of life.  SFH works by gently reprogramming your subconscious mind, allowing you to face and overcome these fears with greater ease and confidence.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy services are conveniently available at clinics in Bolton and Ramsbottom.  However, life can be busy, and not everyone can easily attend in-person sessions.  That is why I also offer online hypnotherapy sessions, accessible from the comfort of your home, no matter where you are in the world.  This flexibility ensures that you can benefit from my services even with a hectic schedule or from a different geographical location.

Whether you choose to visit Bolton or Ramsbottom or prefer the convenience of online sessions, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Unlock your potential and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you today.

I hold an enhanced DBS and am fully insured to work with both adults and children.

Karen Melhuish at Mynd Hypnotherapy

  • Member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
  • The National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH)
  • Registered with The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNCH)

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Hypnotherapy and the Stress Bucket

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unavoidable part of life for many people, from the demands of work to personal challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  But what if there was a way not just to manage stress, but to conquer it?  Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help unlock your potential, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Understanding the stress bucket:  Imagine your mind as a bucket collecting drops of stress from various sources throughout the day.  These drops can come from deadlines at work, conflict in relationships, financial worries, or even negative self-talk.  Over time, if these stressors aren’t effectively managed or released, the bucket begins to overflow, leading to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion.

Five benefits of Solution-focused hypnotherapy that can help you empty your stress bucket:

  1. Stress reduction: By accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis, solution-focused hypnotherapy helps identify and release underlying stressors.  This can lead to a profound sense of relaxation and calm, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with ease.
  2. Increase confidence: Hypnotherapy can help reprogram negative thought patterns and beliefs, empowering you to embrace your strengths and capabilities.   As your confidence grows, you will find yourself tackling obstacles with a newfound sense of assurance.
  3. Improve sleep quality: Chronic stress often disrupts sleep patterns, leaving you feeling tired and unfocused throughout the day.  Solution-focused hypnotherapy can promote deep, restorative sleep by calming the mind and body, leading to more energy and vitality.
  4. Enhanced focus and clarity: When your mind is cluttered with stress, it’s challenging to concentrate on tasks or make clear decisions.  Hypnotherapy helps to quiet the noise, allowing you to sharpen your focus and gain clarity on your goals and priorities.
  5. Emotional balance: Unresolved stress can manifest as a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from irritability to sadness.  By addressing the root cause of your stress through hypnotherapy, you can achieve greater emotional balance and resilience, enabling you to respond to life’s ups and downs with grace.

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, seeking personal growth, or simply looking to optimise your well-being, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy offers a holistic approach to healing.  Take the first step towards transformation today and discover the possibilities that await you.

Don’t let stress hold you back from living the life you deserve, your journey to a happier, healthier you starts now.

I hold an enhanced DBS and am fully insured to work with both adults and children.

Karen Melhuish at Mynd Hypnotherapy

  • Member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
  • The National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH)
  • Registered with The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNCH)

To find out more why not book a free consultation?

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Hypnotherapy and the Menopause

Menopause is something that can affect EVERYONE! Either because they are female and their bodies will go through this change or because you are in close contact with a female who will undergo this process.

Menopause itself is the end of a chapter in a woman’s life. In the years leading up to this point, she is peri-menopausal.  During the peri-menopausal years a woman’s oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate.  When these hormones are out of whack, the body can go haywire both physically and emotionally.  Even post-menopause symptoms can still be experienced.

The most common symptom associated with the menopause are hot flashes.   However, these are one of the most manageable as they are anticipated.  A more surprising side effect is ANXIETY. Other symptoms can be panic attacks, weight gain, low mood, exhaustion, brain fog, depression, insomnia, lack of confidence, low libido, aching limbs and joints its like the fun never ends.

Other glorious symptoms include heart palpitations, irritability, hair loss, memory loss, dizziness, incontinence and bloating.  Menopause is a tough ride for all concerned.

The prescribing of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is still considered controversial, so many women opt not to choose HRT for health and personal reasons.  Even when on HRT women often still struggle with their symptoms.

Clinical hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in reducing many of the symptoms of the menopause, supporting you to gain control of your body and emotions.  Helping you to feel more like you again.

I hold an enhanced DBS and am fully insured to work with both adults and children.

Karen Melhuish at Mynd Hypnotherapy

  • Member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
  • The National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH)
  • Registered with The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNCH)

To find out more why not book a free consultation?

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Hypnotherapy and IBS

 Debilitating and uncomfortable an estimated 10 to 20% of the population in the UK are suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

IBS can prevent people from carrying out simple tasks such as long car journeys, public transport and attending social events.  The condition causes discomfort on a regular basis and can control the suffer’s life.

Because of cultural taboo surrounding toilet habits, it’s a subject that not many people want to discuss and so IBS not only creates physical discomfort but feelings of isolation too.

IBS is caused by messages between the brain and gut becoming disrupted.  This creates issues within the digestive tract leading to pain, bloating, and bowel changes.  It is known that high levels of stress aggravate symptoms which further impact the lives of those who suffer.

Some solutions involve medication, cutting out dairy, gluten and spices.  There are also a number of supplements that are thought to help.  However, IBS patients are often left struggling with a range of treatments, and finding a consistently effective approach can be a challenge.

There is growing evidence to support the efficiency of hypnosis for patients suffering with IBS. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses the latest research in neuroscience. Its effectiveness as a psychological treatment can be potentially life changing for an IBS sufferer.

By the use of suggestion, imagery techniques and progressive relaxation, hypnotherapy guides the client into a sense of calm.  Soothing their symptoms and restoring the gut brain connection as well as improving an overall sense of well-being.

The power of the mind is truly limitless.

I hold an enhanced DBS and am fully insured to work with both adults and children.

Karen Melhuish at Mynd Hypnotherapy

  • Member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
  • The National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH)
  • Registered with The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNCH)

To find out more why not book a free consultation?

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Hypnotherapy for Childhood Mental Health

Children and adolescent mental health services are under immense strain.  With huge waiting lists and a lack of correct information, parents are often left frustrated and confused.  They are sometimes unaware of the different therapy options that are available for their child.  Consequently, it is now becoming common for children under 18 to be prescribed anti-depressants and referred to mental health apps.

NICE guidelines state that anti-depressants should not be prescribed to children under the age of 18, unless they are under the care of a psychiatrist.   Unfortunately, this is not the case for most children and as they continue to sit on waiting lists their mental health deteriorates.

By the use of hypnotherapy, children and adolescents can change habits, gain focus, and improve physical symptoms.  By creating new pathways and learning new skills, hypnotherapy is a scientifically proven therapy that helps your child’s brain to rewire and start to figure out how to achieve their goal.   Hypnosis provides focused attention and therefore your child has the capability to respond to suggestions.  It is important to understand that during hypnosis your child will be aware of what is going on and cannot be made to do anything that they do not want to do.

Hypnotherapy is recognised by the National Health Service (NHS) and the Professional Standards Authority (the UK Parliamentary regulator for healthcare) as a treatment option to help children overcome many long-term conditions.  The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) also agrees with the NHS that “early interventions are crucial for ensuring the best possible outcome for children.”

Issues that can benefit from hypnosis are:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Allergies
  • Depression
  • Nail biting
  • Bedwetting
  • Behaviour issues
  • Body image
  • Eczema and psoriasis
  • Grief and loss
  • Headaches
  • Motivation
  • Pain Management
  • School/sports performance
  • Exam related stress
  • Sleep issues
  • Social anxiety
  • OCD
  • Fear of the dark and other phobias

The number of sessions will vary from child to child.  Benefits can be seen in a relatively short period of time.  By listening to the child and engaging their imagination in a supported, safe environment they are will be able to make long-term change.

I hold an enhanced DBS and am fully insured to work with both adults and children.

Karen Melhuish at Mynd Hypnotherapy

  • Member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
  • The National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH)
  • Registered with The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNCH)

To find out more why not book a free consultation?

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