
Life became so busy and demanding, a certain time of life didn’t help either. I lost confidence and a sense of direction. I knew where I wanted to be but couldn’t find the way. Karen’s guidance and support throughout the sessions and beyond, helped me find the path back to the “Old Me” or should I say the “New Me “.  There’s no magic wand, its work in progress but I now have the capability of feeling positive again in moving forward.

Self confidence and well-being

I have suffered for many years with a persistent cough caused by damage to my lungs as a young man using Isocyanate Prepolymer in boatbuilding. Over the last few years I have many tests by lung specialists who all agreed that there is nothing sinister in my lungs and function is generally quite good. But they are very sensitive and much of the time the cough appears to be psychological. I therefore tried acupuncture which did not help. So I recently consulted Karen Melhuish to see if hypnotherapy might help me. Karen was very positive and felt that she could help although I would probably need about 8-10 sessions we had a session spread over about four months due to holidays etc usually on a Monday evening for about 1 hour I am unable to say that the cough has gone entirely but it is significantly better and I am in a much more relaxed state of mind. Whereas previously I felt embarrassed when speaking to people and often avoided social contact the sessions were extremely pleasant and I cannot speak highly enough of Karen’s personality and positive reassurance. The trance work we did helped me relax and improved greatly my sleep patterns which has a positive affect on my day to day self confidence and well being. I would highly recommend any person with issues rooted in self confidence to contact Karen because I am sure she has the knowledge to advise and the sessions can transform anyones life.


Karen has been so wonderful and supportive. Having never tried Hypnotherapy before I didn’t quite know what to expect but Karen explained things so well and provided such detailed explanation which was easy to understand! Yes you have to put come work and focus into it as well but after a few weeks I definitely started noticing the benefits and felt much calmer each day. Things that had previously caused stress I now found were more manageable! Hypnotherapy is like taking a deep breath in and letting it all out on a permanent basis. Thank you so much!